About Flooring Solutions

Flooring Solutions founder, Joe Sabers, was raised in Dubuque, Iowa. His parents came from very large farm families and instilled in him a strong work ethic and honest practicality. Adventure and fascination with architecture and the arts brought him to Chicago. Here he could be invigorated by the excitement of a big city and still be close to Iowa for easy visits to family.

Joe landed in the commercial flooring industry in 1985. He attained valuable experience working for two other respected flooring companies and evolved to run the flooring division of a large commercial furniture dealership. While there, he gained the confidence to start his next adventure, Flooring Solutions.

While pondering our company name nearly two decades ago, Flooring Solutions continuously came to mind because those two words best described our goal to provide expertly installed flooring solutions. Flooring Solutions strives to be your source of unbiased expertise. We believe in the concept of functional design and take pride in helping our clients discover durable flooring products that create their desired aesthetic. We approach projects in a practical way and listen to understand our client's intent for their space so we can help them evaluate the pros and cons of thousands of flooring options.

Our team at Flooring Solutions has over 130 years of combined commercial flooring experience. If we are pondering an unusual condition, we collaborate with each other so a number of options can be presented to our clients. Varying experiences and different perspectives are valued and contribute to our professional and personal growth.